
mc admin bucket remote

Changed in version RELEASE.2022-12-24T15-21-38Z:

Changed in version RELEASE.2023-02-16T19-20-11Z:

  • mc admin bucket remote bandwidth replaced by mc replicate status

    Replication related statistics are moving to the mc replicate status command.


The mc admin bucket remote command manages the ARN resources for use with bucket replication.

Use mc admin on MinIO Deployments Only

MinIO does not support using mc admin commands with other S3-compatible services, regardless of their claimed compatibility with MinIO deployments.


Add a New Replication Target

Use mc admin bucket remote add to create a new replication target ARN for use with mc replicate add:

mc admin bucket remote add SOURCE/BUCKET DESTINATION/BUCKET
  • Replace SOURCE with the alias of the MinIO deployment to use as the replication target. Replace BUCKET with the full path of the bucket into which MinIO replicates objects from the DESTINATION.

  • Replace DESTINATION with the alias of the MinIO deployment to use as the replication source. Replace BUCKET with the full path of the bucket from which MinIO replicates objects into the SOURCE.

Remove an Existing Replication Target

Use mc admin bucket remote rm to remove a replication target from a bucket:

mc admin bucket remote rm SOURCE/BUCKET --arn ARN
  • Replace SOURCE with the alias of the MinIO deployment being used as the replication source. Replace BUCKET with the full path of the bucket from which MinIO replicates objects.

  • Replace ARN with the ARN of the remote target.

Removing the target halts all in-progress bucket replication to the target.

Retrieve Configured Replication Targets

Use mc replicate ls to list a bucket’s configured replication targets:

mc replicate ls ALIAS/PATH
  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of the MinIO deployment being used as the replication source. Replace PATH with the full path of the bucket from which MinIO replicates objects.


mc admin bucket remote add

Changed in version RELEASE.2022-12-24T15-21-38Z:

Adds a remote target to a bucket on a MinIO deployment. The command has the following syntax:

mc admin bucket remote add SOURCE DESTINATION --service "replication" [FLAGS]

The command accepts the following arguments:



The full path to the bucket to which the command adds the remote target. Specify the alias of a configured MinIO deployment as the prefix to the bucket path. For example:

mc admin bucket remote add play/mybucket


The target MinIO deployment and bucket.

Specify the full URL to the destination MinIO deployment and bucket using the following format:

  • Replace ACCESSKEY with the access key for a user on the

    destination MinIO deployment.

  • Replace SECRETKEY with the secret key for a user on the

    destination MinIO deployment.

  • Replace DESTHOSTNAME with the hostname and port of the MinIO

    deployment (i.e.

  • Replace DESTBUCKET with the bucket on the




Specify "replication".


The region of the DESTINATION.

Mutually exclusive with add


The bucket path lookup supported by the destination server. Specify one of the following:

  • on

  • off

  • auto (Default)

Mutually exclusive with add


Enables synchronous replication, where MinIO attempts to replicate the object prior to returning the PUT object response. Synchronous replication may increase the time spent waiting for PUT operations to return successfully.

By default, mc admin bucket remote add operates in asynchronous mode, where MinIO attempts replicating objects after returning the PUT object response.

mc admin bucket remote ls

Changed in version RELEASE.2022-12-24T15-21-38Z:

Lists all remote targets associated to a bucket on the MinIO deployment. Use mc admin bucket remote ls --help for usage syntax.

mc admin bucket remote rm, remove

Changed in version RELEASE.2022-12-24T15-21-38Z:

Removes a remote target for a bucket on the MinIO deployment. The command has the following syntax:

mc admin bucket remote rm SOURCE --arn ARN

The command accepts the following arguments:



The full path to the bucket from which the command removes the remote target. Specify the alias of a configured MinIO deployment as the prefix to the bucket path. For example:

mc admin bucket remote rm play/mybucket


The ARN of the remote target for which the command removes from the target bucket. Use mc admin bucket remote ls to list all remote targets and their associated ARNs for a specific bucket.